01/13 |
Goals of CL |
SLP Chapter 1 |
Regular Expressions |
Wikipedia on REs |
01/16 |
Finite State Transducers |
SLP Chapter 3 |
Morphology |
Finite State Transducers |
01/20 |
Edit Distance |
SLP Chapter 2 |
HW1 out |
Edit Distance |
01/23 |
N-grams |
SLP Chapter 4 |
Ngram Models |
01/27 |
Blizzard of 2015 |
Read |
Drink hot chocolate |
Extra Work |
01/30 |
N-grams (part 2) and Noisy Channel Model |
SLP Chapter 5 |
HW2 out | dataset |
02/03 |
Naive Bayes and Classifiers |
SLP Chapter 6 |
Naive Bayes Slides |
02/06 |
Classifiers and Sentiment Analysis |
NaiveBayesClassifiers-AI |
02/10 |
Hidden Markov Models 1/2 |
SLP Chapter 7 |
LogisticRegressionSlides |
02/13 |
Hidden Markov Models 2/2 |
HMM-Slides |
HW2 due. HW3 out | dataset |
02/17-02/20 |
Winter Break |
02/24 |
Part-of-Speech Tagging |
SLP Chapter 8 |
POS Tagging Slides |
02/27 |
Syntactic Parsing |
HW3 due. HW4 out |
03/03 |
Cocke–Younger–Kasami Algorithm |
Syntax and CYK Slides |
03/06 |
Probabilistic CFGs |
PCFG:starting at slide 129 |
03/10 |
Probabilistic CFGs |
Collins: starting at slide 172 |
Memory Based Statistical Parsing |
inside outside |
03/13 |
Dependency Parsing |
Nivre Slides 2009 |
HW5 out on github and HW4 due |
03/17 |
Lexical Semantics |
Lexical Semantics Slides |
Semantic Roles |
03/20 |
Distributional Semantics 1/2 |
Evert and Lenci Slides 1 |
HW5 part one due |
03/24 |
Distributional Semantics 2/2 |
Evert and Lenci Slides 2 |
03/27 |
Review |
HW6 out and HW5 part two due |
03/31 |
Quiz |
04/03-04/10 |
Spring Break |
04/14 |
Machine Translation |
SLP Chapter 25 |
04/17 |
Machine Translation |
MT part 1 slides |
HW7 out and HW6 Due |
04/21 |
MT Evaluation;Temporal Reasoning |
MT part 2 slides |
04/24 |
04/28 |